The District 3-0 Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation (CSVT) Project is a 13-mile-long, new four-lane limited access highway project being implemented to ease a major traffic bottleneck through portions of Northumberland, Snyder, and Union Counties. The project is separated into the northern and southern sections for design and construction.

NTM was involved with the 2D model task for the project’s Northern Section in Northumberland and Union Counties, which featured a 2D hydraulic analysis to evaluate the flooding impacts of proposed piers in the floodplain. NTM was responsible for the hydraulic modeling and scour analysis for a new multi-span bridge crossing over the West Branch Susquehanna River. NTM also coordinated efforts with the FHWA and FEMA and provided the hydraulic analysis for the FEMA CLOMR.
NTM received a PennDOT Exceeds Expectations score for our 2D model work on this project (E01724, E03158).
As part of the Southern Section CSVT final design and construction services, NTM is responsible for PCSM Plan, infiltration testing, erosion and sediment pollution control plan, and NPDES permit for the entire project and the H&H for half of the project, which is over 7,000 feet of waterways that feature 12 stream crossings and four channel realignments. The CSVT Southern Section project includes final design and construction for approximately 6.5 miles of four-lane limited access highway on new alignment, including interchanges at Selinsgrove and Shamokin Dam. The project also includes approximately 1.3 miles of new two-lane roadway that will connect existing SR 0061 to the new highway and the reconstruction of multiple side roads. To date, NTM’s efforts have included the design of 112 temporary E&S traps and basins and 69 permanent stormwater basins. NTM also performed the H&H analysis for 10 stream crossings and four channel realignments. The NPDES Permit for the first construction contract was secured in four months with no administrative or technical deficiencies. This project is currently in final design. (E03187)