NTM Engineering is part of a team working to develop a new Bridge Design Manual and a bridge design training course for the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT). The new Bridge Design Manual’s objectives are to define and consolidate bridge design practices and interpretations of the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications related to working within the State of Delaware and to document DelDOT’s bridge design approach in an updated Bridge Design Manual. Once the Manual is complete, the team will develop training on the new manual to educate Department and consultant personnel in the correct and consistent implementation of the documented design preferences.
NTM is responsible for developing the Manual’s “Section 104 ‐ Hydrology and Hydraulics.” NTM’s tasks involve researching literature on other state DOT manuals, comparing hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) methodology, reviewing revised federal and state policies that impact H&H analysis, and producing the new H&H section for the Bridge Design Manual. NTM will also address scour analysis by providing input for the Manual’s “Foundations Section.”
After the Bridge Design Manual is completed, NTM will assist with developing training material related to the “Section 104 – Hydrology and Hydraulics.” NTM will develop an interactive exercise with solutions and a presentation that provides an overview of “Section 104” and the applicable scour information from the “Foundations Section.”