NTM Project Manager Susan Giannantonio, MS, PE, CPESC, ENV SP will be presenting “PennDOT’s Stormwater Control Measures Inspections & Maintenance Program” at the Association of Highway Engineers (ASHE) Delaware Valley Section’s Technical Session on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. The session will be held at the Radisson Hotel, King of Prussia from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The session, originally to be held on February 20th, was postponed due to weather.
In compliance with PA DEP’s NPDES and MS4 permitting requirements, PennDOT is releasing a new publication outlining the Department’s new standardized stormwater control measures (SCMs) inspections and maintenance program. NTM is currently developing this manual with PennDOT. The presentation will highlight the key components of the program, including the SCM inventory database, field inspections, and various maintenance activities. The session offers 2 PDHs and is free for ASHE DelVal members.
For more information and to register, click here.