The design and permitting of the Overbrook Presbyterian Church stormwater retrofit included the engineering analysis required to obtain grant funding. Requirements for the project include the Philadelphia Stormwater guidance, the PWD Retrofit Manual, the Philadelphia Sewer Design Manual, and the Philadelphia Plumbing Code.
NTM Engineering, Inc. (NTM) was contracted by PEER Environmental (PEER) to design green stormwater management for Overbrook Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. PEER has an open-end agreement with the Philadelphia Water Department to identify private properties that qualify for stormwater retrofit grants. NTM assisted PEER with obtaining approval of Greened Acre Retrofit Program (GARP) Grants from the Philadelphia Water Department. The project was partially funded through the GARP Grants, necessitating extensive design and permitting. The purpose of this project was to provide greened-acres in Philadelphia, and to reduce the property owners’ stormwater billing rates. NTM optimized the stormwater facility size, inflow, outflow structures, and piping configurations. NTM’s design includes minimizing long-term maintenance and minimizing disturbance to the owner’s business.

NTM managed subsurface utility location, a surveying, a geotechnical engineering, and a mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering. NTM extensive existing site conditions analysis reduced construction costs.
NTM designed subsurface infiltration and a bioinfiltration facility for the project. The project required extensive roof leader connections, and consideration of the esthetics of this historic church.