NTM performed the complete design of the PA 901 Section 01B Bridge Replacement over a Branch of the Schuylkill River in North Manheim Township, Schuylkill County. NTM was responsible for project management and administration, design field view, public involvement, drainage and stormwater management design, cross-sections, line and grade, typical sections, pavement design, roadway, traffic, safety review, TS&L and final structure plans, and hydrologic and hydraulics and waterway permitting. The project also included environmental services, survey, right-of-way, railroad coordination, and constructability reviews, of which NTM managed and reviewed the subconsultants’ work.
In conjunction with the PA 901 bridge replacement, NTM performed an Alternatives Analysis to evaluate three alignments for the SR 3005 (Beckville Road) bridge replacement project, which is immediately upstream from the PA 901 crossing. NTM evaluated alternatives to determine the level of various impacts, including right-of-way, social, and environmental, along with overall project complexity, constructability, and cost, while meeting the identified project purpose and need.
The Alternatives Analysis Report consisted of:
- Existing site conditions evaluated to develop proposed alternatives
- Site conditions included surrounding area (rural/urban), roadway functional classification, roadway topography, and roadway ADT (Average Daily Traffic)
- Alternative comparing criteria
- Environmental & social impact
- Design
- Constructability
- Traffic Analysis
- Estimated Costs