NTM Engineering, Inc. (NTM) was contracted by Hill International (Hill) to design and assess the building site development for a series of proposed public safety facilities to be in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. NTM helped the Department of Public Properties to set the City’s priorities for the repair and development of these facilities.
The purpose of this project was to provide Hill and the Department of Public Properties with options for building improvements and site development on fire and police stations around the City of Philadelphia. The design consisted of parking layouts, green stormwater infrastructure implementation, complete streets design, and to set LEED requirements. Existing conditions, such as zoning requirements, were assessed by NTM to provide a project understanding of the work needed to proceed with development. Safety and community compatibility, along with ease of maintenance and durability, were primary drivers of the design considerations.
This project also included the implementation of climate change research for waterfront facilities that may be impacted by rising sea levels. One example of this work is for the development of a facility at the confluence of the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers. NTM analyzed existing Philadelphia research, and conveyed the findings through the conceptual design of an adaptable waterfront facility for emergency response.
NTM went on to final design for one of these facilities, the 22nd Police District Headquarters in Northeast Philadelphia.
The design of these improvements included the engineering analysis per the City Code of the City of Philadelphia. The design and permitting analysis addressed the requirements of the Philadelphia Stormwater guidance, the Philadelphia Sewer Design Manual, and the Philadelphia Plumbing Code of the Philadelphia Water Department. Due to the varied location and size of these facilities, the designs also addressed the requirements and regulations of the Philadelphia Planning Commission, Philadelphia Streets Department, and the Department of Licenses and Inspections.