NTM Engineering performed the preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analysis, identification and delineation of floodplains, and floodplain impact assessment for the Schuylkill River Park and Trail, Christian to Crescent Connector Project. The project involves the extension of the existing multi-use trail along the east bank of the Schuylkill River from Christian Street to University Avenue, which includes the design of three new bridges parallel to the bank of the Schuylkill River; a bridge connecting Stanley Street to the main trail; and on-land trail sections connecting to existing trails at the limits of the project.
This section of the trail cannot be fully completed on land due to the close proximity of the active CSX railroad and utility constraints.

NTM prepared a preliminary H&H study for all bridges and longitudinal encroachments. This reach of the Schuylkill River is influenced by tidal fluctuations from the Delaware River and is in a detailed FEMA study area with a floodway. The nearly 3,000-foot section of proposed trail parallels the Schuylkill River and encroaches into the floodway of the River for approximately 1,700 feet. The study includes approximately 2.5 miles of the Schuylkill River and incorporates the Effective FEMA Model to aid in the coordination with Regulatory Agencies.