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SR 0145 South Lehigh Street Over Little Lehigh Creek (Wire Mill Bridge)

NTM performed the complete design of SR 0145 South Lehigh Street over Little Lehigh Creek in the Cit...
Park Hills Drainageway Improvements

NTM developed a channel restoration design for the Park Hills Drainageway in Ferguson Township, Cent...
Stone Arch Bridges of Northampton County Story Map

To serve as a creative mitigation product for the Adverse Effect of the Meadows Road Bridge project,...
SR 0443 over Mill Creek

PennDOT District 5-0 is currently in the Final Design phase of this project involving the replacemen...
SR 1021 over Bieber Creek Bridge Replacement

NTM Engineering, Inc., formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting, served as a subconsultant to Bergman...
Delaware River Trail

NTM Engineering, Inc., formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting, LLC, as an Environmental Consultant ...
SR 4030 New Hanover Square Road over Swamp Creek Bridge Replacement

NTM Engineering, Inc., formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting, served as a subconsultant to Urban E...
I-476, Hawk Falls Bridge (NB-610) Replacement

NTM Engineering, Inc., formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting, served as a subconsultant to Modjesk...
Martin Luther King Drive Bridge

NTM Engineering, formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting, is currently serving as the environmental ...
City Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project

NTM Engineering, Inc., formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting, served as a subconsultant to McMahon...
ADA Ramps; Work Orders 1, 2, 9, 11 (E03794)

NTM Engineering, formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting, provided environmental services as a subco...
Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation (CSVT) Project

The District 3-0 Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation (CSVT) Project is a 13-mile-long, new fou...
Overbrook Presbyterian Church – Greened Acre Retrofit Project

The design and permitting of the Overbrook Presbyterian Church stormwater retrofit included the engi...
Fotterall Square Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design

NTM was involved in this publicly-funded green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) project from the surv...
SR 0309 Betterment Project

PennDOT District 5-0 is currently in the Final Design phase of this betterment project involving roa...
HSIP District 6-0 Roundabouts

The PennDOT District 6-0 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) involves a collection of projects...
Public Safety Facilities Master Plan

NTM Engineering, Inc. (NTM) was contracted by Hill International (Hill) to design and assess the bui...
Barry Playground Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Barry Playground is located in South Philadelphia and is a 2,700 square foot building which includes...
Ferguson Township Stormwater Engineer

NTM Engineering, Inc. (NTM) has been the appointed Ferguson Township, Centre County Stormwater Engin...
SR 0092 Emergency Culvert Replacement

This project involves the emergency replacement of the SR 0092 Section EMG (locally known as Exeter ...
SR 2004-A02 over Jacks Creek Hydrologic and Hydraulics Study

NTM performed a hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analysis of the SR 2004-A01 Back Maitland Road ov...
SR 2035-352 over Mud Run Creek Bridge Replacement

The SR 2035 Section 352 project involved replacing state-owned, temporary pipe culverts that conveye...
SR 220 Section 122 Williamsport to Jersey Shore Safety Corridor Improvements

NTM provided the hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analysis, preliminary and final infiltration tes...
PA 901 Section 01B and PA 3005 Bridge Replacement over Branch of Schuylkill River

NTM performed the complete design of the PA 901 Section 01B Bridge Replacement over a Branch of the ...
SR 3018 Section N10 Whitehall Road and University Drive Extension Widening
NTM Engineering developed the Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control (E&SPC) Plan and Post-Const...
Penn State University Reuse Study
NTM Engineering conducted a Stormwater Reuse Study for the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) Offic...
West Campus Stormwater Management Feasibility Study
NTM was contracted to provide a Stormwater Management Feasibility Study as part of an overall feasib...
SR 3014 Atherton Street Corridor Highway Improvement Projects

For the SR 3014 Atherton Street Corridor Highway Improvement Projects agreement in Centre County, NT...
SR 0322 Potters Mill Gap

The SR 0322 Potters Mills Gap (PMG) Project was initiated to improve safety and reduce congestion by...
Schuylkill River Park and Trail, Christian to Crescent

NTM Engineering performed the preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analysis, identificatio...
SR 4037, Stone Church Road over Salem Creek

Under the Bridge Group #43 agreement, NTM was responsible for all roadway and structure tasks, erosi...
Centre Region MS4 Partners Pollutant Reduction Plan Development

NTM Engineering was recently awarded a contract for professional engineering services to complete a ...
Scudder Falls Bridge, Interstate 95 over Delaware River

NTM provided support to Trumbull Corporation for hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analysis of the ...
Lincoln Drive Drainage and Restoration

NTM Engineering assisted in performing the Lincoln Drive Resurfacing and Restoration project. Our se...
Woodmere Art Museum Green Parking Lot Conversion

NTM Engineering, Inc. (NTM) was contracted by the Woodmere Art Museum to design Green Stormwater Inf...
Quantifying the Functional Credit Gain Using the Function-Based Aquatic Resource Compensation Protocol

NTM Engineering quantified the Functional Credit Gain (FCG) associated with project study areas usin...
Philadelphia Water Department Regulatory Consulting Services
NTM Engineering was part of a contract to provide technical support and outreach assistance for the ...
Germantown Flood Relief Capital Improvement Plan

For the Germantown Flood Relief Capital Improvement Project, NTM assisted in the data collection ...
Poquessing Creek Watershed Stream Assessment Report

Under a Natural Stream Channel and Wetland Design, Assessment, & Monitoring contract for the Phi...
Arch Street Bridge Replacement (SR 2064) over the West Branch Susquehanna River

Constructed in 1923, the Arch Street Bridge (SR 2064) is a state-owned seven-span steel truss bridge...
Luzerne County Pilot Bridge Replacements Project

The Commonwealth pilot program to fast track “bundled” local bridge replacement projects will fu...
Antidegradation and Post-Construction Stormwater Management Policy
The PennDOT Bureau of Project Delivery’s Antidegradation and Post-Construction Stormwater Manageme...
Stone Arch Bridge Program in LVTS

For the Stone Arch Bridge Program in Lehigh Valley Transportation Study (LVTS), NTM is performing H&...
Cayuga Street/Ferko Playground Storm Sewer

Under the Philadelphia Water Department’s Green Streets Initiative (GSI), NTM provided conc...
Mount Joy Rail Enhancement Project Independent Review
PennDOT’s Bureau of Public Transportation (BPT) hired NTM Engineering to perform a drainage study ...
U.S. Botanic Garden – Stormwater Re-use Investigation
Located at the base of Capitol Hill, the United State Botanic Garden (USBG) includes the Conservator...
SR 0706 Section 504 Betterment Project
The SR 0706 Section 504 Betterment Project in Susquehanna County is the final design for approximate...
SR 2001 Section LEE over Trout Creek Flood Repairs

The SR 2001 over Trout Creek project involved replacing a single-span, concrete slab bridge with a c...
SR 0407 Section 250 North Abington Road Bridge over Unnamed Tributary to Lackawanna Lake
The SR 0407 Section 250 North Abington Road Bridge over an Unnamed Tributary to Lackawanna Lake proj...
SR 0228 Mars-Valencia Road Widening and Section 251 Arch Culvert Extension

NTM Engineering provided the Post-Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) Plan, Erosion and Sedime...
DelDOT Bridge Design Training and Manual
NTM Engineering is part of a team working to develop a new Bridge Design Manual and a bridge design ...
General Consulting Engineer (GCE) Services

Michael Baker Jr., Inc. added NTM to its GCE Services contract for the PTC to provide drainage and s...
Wissahickon Creek Watershed Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan
To develop the Wissahickon Creek Act 167 Plan, NTM Engineering collaborated with Temple University...
SR 1024 Salford Station Road Bridge Replacement Project

NTM Engineering provided bridge design services and hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analysis for ...
SR 0414 over Pine Creek

As part of five-year engineering and environmental open-end contract, NTM completed an in-depth insp...
SR 0308 Section 255 West Sunbury Bridge over Muddy Creek

The SR 0308 Section 255 West Sunbury Bridge project over Muddy Creek in Clay Township, Butler County...
Walt Whitman, Ben Franklin, Betsy Ross, and Commodore Barry Bridge Inspections

NTM provided structural services for the DRPA. Under an open-end contract, NTM performed bridge cons...
PennDOT H&H & Permitting Procedures: DM-2 Chapter 10
The PennDOT H&H and Permitting Procedures course focuses on the requirements and design procedur...
Introduction to Hydraulics and HEC-RAS
Introduction to Hydraulics and HEC-RAS is an application-oriented training course for the US Army Co...
Introduction to Hydrologic Methods and Modeling with Watershed Modeling System (WMS)
This is the second course in the H&H Professional Development Series. It is an application-orien...
Advanced WMS Applications
This course is the successor of the “Introduction to Hydrologic Methods and Modeling with WMS” c...
Letort Spring Run Flooding and Water Quality Analysis
NTM Engineering, in conjunction with SKELLY and LOY, Inc., modeled the hydrology and hydraulics (H&a...
Statewide Quality Assurance Bridge Inspections

This project included the quality assurance (QA) bridge inspections for 30 bridges in each PennDOT D...
3-254 – Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) Biennial Bridge Inspection

NTM is part of prime’s team for the Biennial Bridge Inspection – Systemwide contract for the PTC...
Statewide Hydrologic & Hydraulic (H&H) Services

PennDOT’s Bureau of Project Delivery has awarded NTM Engineering a contract to provide statewide h...
Tacony Creek Stream Corridor Restoration – Reaches 4 and 5
NTM Engineering was part of an AKRF team restoring and enhancing Reaches 4 and 5 of the Tacony Creek...
Poquessing Creek Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan
NTM Engineering developed an Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan for the Philadelphia Water Departm...