NTM performed the complete design of SR 0145 South Lehigh Street over Little Lehigh Creek in the City of Allentown, Lehigh County. This project involved the replacement of the existing two span, steel I-beam bridge over the Little Lehigh Creek with a proposed two span, prestressed concrete, spread box beam bridge. Minor approach roadway reconstruction and safety improvements, including roadway widening, new signage and new pavement markings, were also proposed. NTM was the prime and was responsible for project management and administration, design field view, public involvement, drainage, cross-sections, line and grade, typical sections, pavement design, roadway, traffic, safety review, TS&L, final structure plans, H&H and waterway permitting. The project also included environmental services, survey, right-of-way, geotechnical, subsurface utility engineering, of which NTM managed and reviewed the subconsultants’ work.