PennDOT District 5-0 is currently in the Final Design phase of this project involving the replacement of the SR 0443 (Suedberg Road) bridge over Mill Creek in Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill County, PA. The existing bridge is in poor condition due to deterioration and exhibits cracking, spalling and scour, with minor section loss. The proposed structure will increase shoulder widths from four feet to between six and eight feet wide.
NTM Staff (formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting) completed various environmental tasks during the Preliminary Engineering phase, including: wetlands and watercourse identification and delineation, a Temporary Use Section 4(f) evaluation, Section 6(f) coordination, a Phase I Bog Turtle Habitat Survey and USFWS coordination, DCNR coordination for potential impacts to the Netted Chainfern, a Species of Special Concern, and an Environmental Due Diligence Phase I Visual Inspection Form.
We prepared the Temporary Use Section 4(f) Form for temporary construction easements (TCE) within Swatara State Park. The project team coordinated closely with the DCNR Bureau of State Parks and the Swatara State Park Manager early in the project development process. PennDOT will revegetate the forested streambanks as mitigation for the ecological loss from the removal of trees within TCE areas. A Replacement Planting Plan will be prepared during Final Design identifying the mature trees to remain, as well as specifying the species, caliper, and location of the replacement trees. Staff successfully delivered the approved CE1b NEPA document on time and within budget.