NTM provided the hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analysis, preliminary and final infiltration testing, stormwater management design, PCSM Plan development, Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Plan development, and NPDES Permitting services for the SR 220 Section 122 Williamsport to Jersey Shore Safety Corridor Improvements project in Woodward and Piatt Townships in Lycoming County. The scope of work for NTM included H&H analyses for three major bridge crossings at Larrys Creek, Pine Run, and Quenshukeny Run, six culverts conveying unnamed tributaries, and one roadway fill encroachment into the floodplain of the West Branch Susquehanna River. NTM secured the NPDES Permit with receiving only minor comments on the E&S Plans and no stormwater related comments.

The project is for the safety improvement of an approximately six-mile-long, four-lane, divided urban arterial stretching from Williamsport to Jersey Shore. The purpose of the project is to implement safety improvements and improve mobility along the SR 220-122 corridor between SR 287 in Piatt Township the SR 2014 interchange in Woodward Township. Crash history within the corridor identified a need to reduce conflict points and reduce the severity and frequency of crashes.