NTM Engineering developed the Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control (E&SPC) Plan and Post-Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) Plan for transportation improvements to SR 3018 Section N10, located in Ferguson Township, State College Borough and College Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania. The project, under the direction of PennDOT District 2-0, aims to improve the three-mile corridor from the West College Avenue intersection in Ferguson Township to the South Atherton Street intersection in College Township.
The project will add a center turn lane, widen shoulders to accommodate bicycle lanes, improve intersection geometry and signalization, add bus pull-offs, and add and improve a sidewalk the entire length of the three-mile corridor. Design challenges include the area being highly prone to sinkhole formation and incorporating an Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan into the design.
NTM designed the entire PCSM plan without a single stormwater management basin. Instead, low-maintenance, best management practices (BMPs) such as vegetated filter strips and level spreaders were utilized. A general NPDES Permit was submitted to the Centre County Conservation District for the SR 3018 project and approved without comments.
NTM received an “Exceeds Expectations” score from PennDOT for Part 2 of this project.