NTM Engineering, Inc., formerly Lotus Environmental Consulting, served as a subconsultant to Urban Engineers, Inc. for the Hanover Square Road Bridge Replacement in Montgomery County, PA. This area consists of a semi-rural residential community located in western Montgomery County. The landscape is rolling hills, with a mix of farming and residential land use. New Hanover Square Road (SR 4030) connects Route 73 and County Line Road.
The project consists of the replacement of the bridge over Swamp Creek. SR 4030 is a community collector with an ADT of 2,885. The existing weight restricted bridge is a three-span concrete encased steel I-beam bridge with a 24-foot curb to curb width, 29-foot out to out width, 10-foot lane width, and a 1.5-foot curb/shoulder width. The bridge has a total structure length of 111 feet. The existing structure is to be replaced due to its deteriorated condition.
NTM (Lotus) staff were responsible for preparing the scoping field view (SFV) document and facilitating the SFV meeting, preparing the Level 1b Categorical Exclusion Evaluation, conducting the wetlands and waters delineations, the bog turtle habitat survey, and the red bellied turtle survey. NTM (Lotus) staff also assisted with the public outreach and prepared the PA DEP GP -11 permit.