This week, we received our final update on the Susquehanna Service Dogs puppy we sponsored back in 2022, SSD River. She has completed all her necessary training and has been placed with her partner!
We received word that she’s making a big impact; so much so that she has led to an “ocean” of possibilities for her! She’s been trained to provide tasks such as deep pressure and creating space. An example of this is when they are out in public with others nearby, her partner can ask her to move to the front, back, or either side to create more space and prevent people from getting too close. SSD River has also been trained to alert her partner’s visual signs of panic and help ground her. This is giving her partner confidence she didn’t think was possible!
While we will miss getting updates of SSD River and following her progress, we are so proud of her and so happy she successfully completed her journey and found her partner! We wish them both the best of luck!