Donna is the president of NTM Engineering. She offers over 29 years of civil engineering experience, specializing in hydrology and hydraulics (H&H). Her background includes designing hydraulic structures, performing H&H analysis and modeling, performing bridge scour analysis, environmental agency coordination, and policy development. Donna has provided quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) checks of HEC-RAS analyses for projects in Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. She has also instructed collegiate level courses and professional development seminars on water resources related topics. She works extensively with PennDOT as a water resources consultant and instructional course developer and instructor. Donna also served as a panel member for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Scour at Wide Piers and Long Skewed Piers project. She has managed H&H studies and scour investigations and secured waterway permits for numerous transportation, including an H&H study in Clinton County that represented the first use of 2D modeling with the Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) software on a PennDOT project.
Donna earned her BS in Civil Engineering and MS in Environmental Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. She is a professional engineer with licenses in Pennsylvania and New York, is a Certified Floodplain Manager, and a Certified PennDOT Instructor.